song 12-The wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round ,round and round
The wheels in the bus go round and round all day long.
The children on the bus go wriggle wriggle...
The mummies in the bus go dont do that...!
The daddies on the bus go read read read...
The babies on the bus go wah wah wah...!


مطالب مرتبط

song 1- Head, Shoulders, knees and Toes

song 1- Head, Shoulders, knees and Toes

Head Shoulders knees and Toes
song 2- Wind the bobbin up

song 2- Wind the bobbin up

 Wind the bobbin up
 song 3 & 4- Jelly on a plate & Pate a cake

song 3 & 4- Jelly on a plate & Pate a cake

3-Jelly on the plate
4-Pate a cake
song 5-Two little eyes

song 5-Two little eyes

Two little eyes
song7- Its raining , its pouring

song7- Its raining , its pouring

It's raining , it's pouring